Published: 02 March 2022
We cover a comprehensive range of topics on our First Aid for Dogs course including how you can tell when a pet might be in pain.
Of course, a pet cannot talk to you so they show pain in other ways. You may notice that the animal is different in their behaviour. This can be aggression towards you, wanting attention, hiding away somewhere or crying.
If you see any changes then check it out to see if anything is wrong. Be aware of any signs that could indicate that the animal is in pain. Look for any possible wound/ injury sites.
You may notice the following if your pet is trying to show pain:
- Changes in behaviour
- Aggression
- Whimpering and growling
- Hiding
- Restlessness
Sometimes the source of pain may be obvious if there is a lot of blood or a deformity. Always look closely at areas of concern.
Always be aware that if you intervene even whilst trying to help your pet, they may instinctively act to defend themselves and snap or bite as your actions might appear threatening or briefly make the pain that they are experiencing worse.
If your pet is in pain, the next step is to know how to treat it. To feel fully prepared, why not join us on our First Aid for Dogs course - where most of the advice is also applicable to other pets. We offer the course in a range of locations as well as offering in-house courses for colleagues or groups of friends.
We now also offer courses via Zoom and an online learning option so you can learn from home at your own pace. Priced at just £25, it’s full of essential information and guidance on keeping your dog safe and how to react in an emergency. Take a look here at all the options.
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