Published: 13 September 2021
With summer coming to its end for another year, we welcome the beautiful season of autumn. Whilst we may all enjoy the changing colours of the trees and snuggling down on the sofa as the nights draw in, it does bring with it a few hazards for our doggy friends.
We'll cover a few of these in our courses that take place in the next few months (so join us if you can!) but, in the meantime, take a look at our guide to some things to be aware of when out walking:
It’s at this time of year that mushrooms can appear. Fortunately most are non-toxic but, obviously, dogs aren’t able to determine which are which (and, neither, for that matter, can most owners). Generally keep your canine pals away from any wild mushrooms.
Just a small amount of de-icer can cause major problems in a medium sized dog, should it be consumed. Sadly it can even prove fatal. Obviously you can keep your anti-freeze at home safe, but not when out in public. Make sure your dog doesn’t drink from any puddles which could contain anti-freeze.
Acorns and conkers
Both acorns and conkers are toxic for dogs, as are oak leaves, so be sure to keep your dog away from any of these autumnal features.
Shorter days
With less daylight hours available, be aware that walks will be often in the dark, which makes walkers and dogs less easy to see. Get some reflective gear for yourself and your dog.
Autumn leaves
Piles of leaves can get damp, which can then result in mold bacteria growing. With dogs’ natural inquisition, they run the risk of ingesting these harmful bacteria which can result stomach problems.
Hopefully you'll avoid each of these things but, should you find yourself in an emergency situation, make sure you're prepared with a First Aid for Dogs course. We've courses coming up in Brighton & Hove and Angmering in Sussex soon. We also offer a Zoom or a self-paced online course option meaning you can learn from home with your four legged friend sat beside you.
Both include all the same topics and essential information you’d learn on a face-to-face course. Our Zoom course dates can be found here, or take a look at our online course, which can be done at your own pace.
If you’d like to be kept up-to-date with our courses please do sign up for our newsletter.
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