Published: 19 March 2019
This week we meet a student of ours, Lee, who was inspired to come on the course as preparation for the Tamworth Dog Owners walk in aid of a statue memorial to Staffordshire Sgt Watchman V that he did in 2017. Lee works for Community Together CIC in Tamworth.
Name: Lee Bates
Lives: Tamworth
What do you do? I am a dog owner of a beagle called Maximus
How long have you been a dog owner? Maximus is 18 weeks old, previously I was the owner of Benji a Yorkshire Terrier who lived till he was 14 years old.
What made you want to become a dog owner? I love dogs, they are so loving and give so much back to your personally. They make great companions.
Your job is a bit different to our usual interviewees as it’s not usually dog related! But tell us, what’s your favourite part of your job? Every day is different; one minute you’re getting stuck in a community activity like running a Community Cafe or hands in a bowl doing some healthy cooking and, the next, in a strategic meeting. Every day has its own challenges and I love problem solving and also Community Development work.
How do you keep your skills up to date? I keep my skills up to date through sharing learning with other colleagues to taking any training opportunities that are available.
Why did you think learning first aid for dogs was important to you? Being a dog owner of a new pup it was important to update my own skills and to do what's right for Maximus in the event he needed first aid. Having the knowledge could save his life or reduce any damage that could be caused from an injury. Maximus can be mischievous so you need to have your wits about you but he is lovely particularly when he looks up at you with his big eyes.
What was the most valuable piece of information your gained from the first aid for dogs course? I enjoyed learning about dog-proofing the house and making sure mine is as safer environment for Maximus as possible. I had also bought a Dog First Aid kit and wanted to know the proper way to use it.
What qualities do you think are important in a dog owner? Confidence, patience, and a big heart.
Have you learnt anything surprising about dogs from having them? The love you put into them they repay you back three times over.
What’s your top tip for caring for dogs? Patience and use of treats as a reward :)
Have you had an amusing experiences in your work as dog owner? Yes and always learning all the time.
Which dog would you most like to walk or which famous person’s dog would you most like to walk? Apart from Maximus I would love to walk a St Bernard.
Thanks Lee! You can find Tamworth's Community Together CIC on the web here, on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
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